

On March 23rd, 2025 I will lead a large scale, site specific, land art performance titled Azilya. In partnership with the Sanford Underground Research Facility, I will smudge, or in the Lakota language Azilya, the 300 mile cave system at the old Homestake Gold mine in the Black Hills of South Dakota. I will smudge with sage collected from my community and utilize the complex ventilation system of the mine to reach 4,850ft underground.

I am inviting anyone who is interested in participating to send a small bundle of sage to one of several collection sites in Pine Ridge, or mail them directly to me. I will use the collected sage bundles to azilya the defunct goldmine as an act of cleansing and healing for my community and our sacred Black Hills.

Email me at with any questions. Wopila.

The Azilya has been completed and more updates will be coming soon. Wopila to all who participated. It was a good day.